Backward classes loans scheme in andhra pradesh

Residential and Non-Residential scholarships are awarded to all eligible Post-Matric students belonging to the Scheduled Castes at all levels of education. These scholarship amounts include Maintenance Charges of the students (MTF) and all non-refundable Fees payable to the institution (RTF).

Government of India reimburses the amount spent for award of Post Matric Scholarships, incurred in a year over and above the committed liability i.e., amount spent by the State Government during the terminal year of the previous Five Year Plan. The income ceiling for the sanction of Post Matric Scholarships is Rs.2.00 lakhs per annum.

The entire process of sanction of Post Matric Scholarships is made online and Aadhaar authenticated.

At present maintenance charges being paid on monthly basis from December, 2015 to the students pursuing various courses is as follows:

Rates of Scholarships (CAH)
Group –I (Professional courses)
Group- II (PG Courses)
Group-III (Graduate Courses)
Group- IV (inter level courses)

Government vide G.O.Ms.No.40 SW (SW.Edn.2) Dept, Dated.08.12.2012 has enhanced diet charges for Post Matric Students staying in Department Attached Hostels as follows with effect from 09.12.2012

Enhanced charges (per month)
(DAH) in Rs.
Group I(Professional Courses)
II (PG Courses)
III (Graduate Courses)
IV (inter level courses)

During 2017-18, an amount of Rs.17868.53 Lakhs for Mess Charges (MTF) and Rs.31845.55 Lakhs for Reimbursement of Tuition Fee (RTF) under State Development Plan and Rs.4682.12 Lakhs and Rs.16200.00 Lakhs for MTF and RTF respectively under Central Assistance to State Development Plan are provided for the above purpose.

  1. Pre Matric Scholarships sanctioned in saturation mode for the students studying 5th to 8th and 9th to 10th classes in Govt. Municipal, Zilla Parishad, Mandala Parishad and Aided schools.
  2. Scheme covers all Day scholar students.
  3. Scheme also covers for 9th & 10th also covers students studying in welfare hostels.
  4. Family income of the applicants should be below INR 2.00 lakhs p.a
  5. Scheme is completely functional online with Aadhaar Authentication

To curb the high dropout rate among Scheduled Caste Children studying in primary and secondary education level, Scholarship is sanctioned @ Rs.100/- per month for boys and Rs.150/- for girls for (10) months, from classes V to VIII. Under the scheme, students studying in Govt. Schools / Aided Schools are eligible for payment of Pre-Matric Scholarships. Income limit under the scheme is Rs.2.00 lakhs per annum. The scheme is administered online. It is proposed to cover 1,51,145 students for the academic year 2017-18.

During 2017-18, Rs.4,780.35 Lakhs is provided for the above purpose.


The objective of the Scheme is to support parents of SC children for education of their wards studying in classes IX and X so that the incidence of drop-out, especially in the transition period from the upper primary to the secondary stage is minimized.

Under the scheme, students studying in Govt. Schools / Aided Schools are eligible for payment of Pre-Matric Scholarships both for Day Scholars and Hostellers. An amount of Rs.150/- per month for (10) months both for boys and girls is sanctioned for day boarders. In addition to the above an amount of Rs.750/- is provided as adhoc grant per annum. An amount of Rs. Rs.350/- per month for (10) months both for boys and girls of SC boarders of Govt. Hostels is sanctioned. In addition to the above an amount of Rs.1000/- is provided as adhoc grant per annum. The scheme is administered online. It is proposed to cover 73,850 students for the academic year 2017-18 with a Budget Estimate of Rs. 4,000.00 Lakhs.

Under the scheme, students studying in Govt. Schools / Aided Schools are eligible for payment of Pre-Matric Scholarships both for Day Scholars and Hostellers. An amount of Rs.150/- per month for (10) months both for boys and girls is sanctioned for day boarders. In addition to the above an amount of Rs.750/- is provided as adhoc grant per annum. An amount of Rs. Rs.350/- per month for (10) months both for boys and girls of SC boarders of Govt. Hostels is sanctioned. In addition to the above an amount of Rs.1000/- is provided as adhoc grant per annum. The scheme is administered online. It is proposed to cover 73,850 students for the academic year 2017-18 with a Budget Estimate of Rs. 4,000.00 Lakhs.

  1. One of the flagship programmes of the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
  2. Sponsoring SC students to study Medicine, Engineering, Ph.D. courses etc., in the internationally reputed universities in 15 countries.

With a view to enable the benefit of higher education in foreign universities to meritorious SC students thereby providing them an opportunity for better career prospects within country and abroad, the scheme of “Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi - Financial Assistance for SC students for pursuing Higher studies in Foreign Universities” was introduced.

The selected SC student, shall be sanctioned Rs.10.00 (5.00 +5.00) lakhs grant in two instalments - First instalment of Rs.5.00 lakhs on production of landing permit/I-94 i.e., immigration card and the second instalments on production of 1st semester results. Student can avail educational loan of Rs.5.00 lakhs from any Nationalised Bank with the coordination of A.P.State Co-Operative Finance Corporation at prevailing rates of interest. Besides above student shall be sanctioned on production of valid documents, one way passage grant (economy class) and total visa fee. Students who got minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examinations will be selected as per order of merit till the target of 300 students per year is achieved in Engineering / Management / Pure Sciences / Agriculture Sciences / Medicine & Nursing /Social Sciences/Humanities are eligible for MBBS, PG and Ph.D. courses in all above faculties.

  1. Students whose parental income is less than Rs.6.00 lakhs are eligible .
  2. One child of the family shall be eligible under this scheme.
  3. 33% of the awards shall be earmarked for Women Candidates.
  4. Further students can pursue MBBS, PG Diploma Courses (1 year / 11/2 years) Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Certified Portfolio Manager (CPM).

Selection of the students shall be done by the State Level Screening Committee. The State Level Screening Committee consists of the Principal Secretary, Social Welfare as Chairman, Commissioner / Director of Social Welfare is the Convener, Commissioner of Technical Education, Secretary, APSCHE, and the Vice-Chancellor, JNTU, Kakinada are the members of the Committee. Selected students can pursue studies in USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Russia, China, Philippines and Kazakhstan. So far, 16 SLSCs were held and 253 candidates were selected in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

During 2017-18, Rs.3300.00 Lakhs is provided for the above purpose.


Under scheme , i.e., “Coaching to SC students for Eligibility Tests such as TOEFL/IELTS and GRE/GMAT and other for Admissions in Foreign Universities” from the academic year 2013-14, to make possible admission of SC students to Post Graduate Courses in reputed foreign universities in Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy etc by obtaining higher scores in the above said examinations.


To seek admission in reputed foreign universities, under Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi students have to obtain good scores in tests of English proficiency such as TOEFL & IELTS and in General Aptitude Tests such as GRE / GMAT or equivalent qualifying examinations. Most of the SC students, due to poverty, insufficient language skills in English and other disabilities are often unable to perform well in the above said qualifying exams.

With a view to equip the SC students with requisite skills by providing them the benefit of coaching in GRE / GMAT/ TOEFL / IELTS etc., through reputed coaching institutions for obtaining higher scores, Government is implementing the scheme of Coaching to SC students for eligibility test such as TOEFL / IELTS and GRE / GMAT and other for admissions in foreign universities (Skill Upgradation for Professional Graduates).SC graduates or final year students at graduation level whose family Income is less than 2.00 lakh per annum are eligible. The following are the fee rates fixed per student for the coaching programmes.